Onegai my melody (23)
Os-tan (9)
Promare (26)
Predator (2)
Puyo puyo | madou monogatari (1)
Panty and stocking with garterbelt (22)
Prince of tennis (14)
Pastel yumi (6)
Pretty cure (107)
Photo kano (1)
Petite princess yucie (2)
Planet of the apes (1)
Popotan (2)
Planetes (4)
Papa no iu koto wo kikinasai (14)
Pretty cure splash star (6)
Pretear (2)
Pretty rhythm (13)
Playerunknowns battlegrounds (3)
Phantasy star portable 2 (1)
Puyo puyo (21)
Popolocrois (2)
Princess maker (3)
Pangya (22)
Pia carrot (16)
Project a-ko (2)
Princess sarah (4)
Phantom brave (3)
Puella magi madoka magica side story magia record (52)
Patlabor (7)
Professor layton (7)
Pretty face (2)
Persona 3 (50)
Persona (11)
Prison school (18)
Pachique next (1)
Popn music (5)
Phantasy star (3)
Pastel chime (3)
Princess tutu (2)
Pigeon blood (2)
Plawres sanshiro (2)
Peridot (2)
Prince of stride (1)
Pumpkin scissors (3)
Pita ten (2)
Phantom of the kill (2)
Power rangers (2)
Power stone (3)
Persona 4 (126)
Phantasy star online 2 (21)
Princess principal (4)
Princess mononoke (2)
Potemayo (1)
Porco rosso (1)
Puzzle and dragons (14)
Princess connect (199)
Pokemon | pocket monsters (139)
Persona 5 (93)
Pastel chime continue (3)
Princess lover (4)
Pretty sammy (38)
Puni puni poemy (1)
Psycho-pass (3)
Pokemon (303)
Powerpuff girls z (18)
Puella magi madoka magica (251)
Pandora hearts (4)
Pop in q (2)
Pia carrot e youkoso | welcome to pia carrot (2)
Paradise gakuen (1)
Puppet princess of marl kingdom (3)
Pani poni dash (14)
Phantasy star online (5)
Princess crown (15)
Pop team epic (2)
Princess resurrection (13)
Pripara (97)
Qualidea code (16)
Queens blade (133)
Quiz magic academy (37)
Robocop (1)
Romancing saga (5)
Rose of versailles (1)
Ring ni kakero (2)
Rival schools (26)
Rumble roses (18)
Rance (29)
Red photon zillion (2)
Rizelmine (3)
Reibaishi izuna (1)
Robotics notes (4)
Robokko beaton (1)
Ryuuou no oshigoto (21)
Ruin explorers | hikyou tanken fam and ihrie (1)
Rolling girls (3)
Renkin san-kyuu magical pokaan (7)
Re creators (10)
Rurouni kenshin | samurai x (3)
Rage of bahamut (7)
Revolutionary girl utena (17)
Revolutionary girl utena | shoujo kakumei utena (1)
Rokudenashi majutsu koushi to akashic records (1)
Rokujouma no shinryakusha (2)
Ranma 12 (112)
Rune factory 3 (1)
Resident evil (39)
Ryu ga gotoku | yakuza (2)
Rising impact (1)
Record of lodoss war (19)
Rune factory (4)
Rampo kitan game of laplace (7)
Ruin explorers (2)
Reco love (12)
Romeos blue skies (8)
Resonance of fate (1)
Rosario vampire (14)
Ro-kyu-bu (19)
Rwby (9)
Robot girls z (9)