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#101549 - Follow me, please, Chrissy said to Melanie while leading her to a room in the rear of the house, have you been a good girl this week?!? Yes, Mistress, Melanie replied softly, I tried to do my best! Let's hope so, Chrissy replied, Sir Gregory will be very disappointed if you have displeased him!!! The two women entered a starkly painted white room that was set up a lot like a doctor's examining room, complete with an examination table that even contained foot stirrups!!! It's good to see you again, Melanie, commented Sir Gregory upon their entry, come to me dear, and tell me, have you been obedient!?! Oh, yes, she replied softly, I've been a very good girl!!! We'll see, he said noncommittally, now lift up your dress so I can examine you!!! As calmly as if she were undressing in her own bedroom, Melanie grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it to her chin, which exposed her panty less crotch to both Mistress Chrissy and her husband Sir Gr

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