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#368881 - I do not like people who tlk lyke dis, err us3 numb3rz N l3tt3r$ 2 r3epl@c3 $tuff I've only had guy slaves, and i've had them: cut and burn their dick-- tie up their balls separately-- take pix of themselves in public bathrooms-- take videos of them jacking off-- made them buy panties/studded collars to wear in pix/vids-- put things in their butt-- and more. Little bitch thought he was being smart or something when he did that, during a while of not talking. I've had only a few pets that fit in with all my rules and regulations.

Read Keroro Kyouzon Keikaku - Keroro gunsou | sgt. frog Heels Keroro Kyouzon Keikaku

Most commented on Keroro Kyouzon Keikaku - Keroro gunsou | sgt. frog Heels

Kokoa hoto
Most stupid tat ive ever seen rip haha
Lenna charlotte tycoon
Lmao looks like chalk beard