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#314485 - Out of nowhere a bloke appeared at Trudy’s window saying he was a lorry driver and had seen us at the lay-by before so thought he would come say hello, as we chatted his eyes were fixed down my wife’s front, he asked Trudy if she would like to go with him into the wood then looked over at me saying he’ll have her back in know time at all, his face lit up when l said he can take her in the woods but l would stand back to watch. He didn’t take long to empty his balls down my wife’s throat and before she let him have his cock back Trudy licked and sucked the guy dry, he pulled up his jeans and boxers and walked off smiling, l wasn’t going to waste my wife’s nudity so went over, got her on all fours and had my turn, my wife’s pussy hole was wet, sticky and very saggy but l enjoyed fucking and filling her, we finished and went back to the car to go home. I stood behind Trudy and rolled up her skirt then slid her knickers down the bloke having his bum slapped saw her hairy pussy and began

Read Novinho 性慾亢進的女友和性冷感的我2 - Original Parody 性慾亢進的女友和性冷感的我2

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Akira sunazuka
Dick too small cant fap 0 8 m8
What a meaty pussy